
When does my child need their first eye exam?

To ensure proper and healthy development, we recommend children receive their first eye exam between 6 months and one year old. Our doctors create a fun environment to help your baby during their first visit as our doctors evaluate the health and development of your baby’s eyes.

Even though your child can’t communicate yet, several medical conditions such as lazy eyes, tumors, and developmental issues can be detected through this exam.


How often does my child need an eye exam?

We provide comprehensive pediatric eye and vision exams beginning at 6 months of age. Every child will need a comprehensive eye exam, by an eye doctor, upon entering kindergarten.

If you notice your child squinting frequently, an eye turning, difficulty reading, trouble concentrating in the classroom, or any other questionable behaviors/abnormalities, please schedule an appointment so we can evaluate and address your concerns.

Just like pediatricians follow a child’s growth, our eye doctors recommend checking in after growth spurts to ensure their vision hasn’t changed along with their height.